Productivity and Why We Introduced The Claimable Daily 🗞
We've just launched the Claimable Daily! 🎉 The Claimable Daily is your personalised agenda, delivered straight to your inbox each morning, helping you plan the day ahead and organise your time. It's a perfect way to get a head start during your commute, or while sipping your morning coffee!
We strongly believe that productivity is at the heart of an efficient claims management process, and good time management and organisational tools are key to achieving this. No matter how good your memory is, trying to remember everything in your head will fail you. Often, just the knowledge alone that you have a list of todos is distracting and unhelpful, let alone trying to remember the individual details of each task!
Therefore, we are big advocates of "brain-dumping" todos into a place that you know won't let you forget. This clears your head and improves focus. It's much better to record tasks in one, centralised place with a consistent and systematic approach to reminders, rather than try and keep track of them in multiple locations or systems with inconsistent approaches. This avoids you having to switch contexts too often and keeps you safe in the knowledge that whatever system you have in place will remind you when the time is right.
This is why we introduced the Claimable Daily to our suite of productivity and task management features. Users can now adopt a truly fire-and-forget approach to capturing tasks, with the reassurance they will be reminded when the task is due. It's also great way to visualise your daily objectives and visualising tasks linked to a due date helps your brain stay focused!🤓
With the Claimable Daily we want to help you establish a routine to review your daily tasks before your day begins and you start working on claims, enabling you to better manage your time and boost productivity. Quite simply, you can get more done, if you plan ahead! And a daily routine is a really important part of this. It reduces the number of decisions we need to take and therefore diminishes stress levels and helps you save time, by becoming more efficient and avoiding juggling too many balls at once!
Users of our existing tasks functionality, will start receiving their dailies right away. Users not currently using Claimable for their claims task management may wish to try out this feature by assigning themselves some tasks!
The Claimable Daily together with the Claim Checklist represent our commitment to helping our users establish a stress-free claim management process and focus on delivering an exceptional service to their customers!