We are very excited to announce our newest feature: Letter Generation! 🎉
Despite companies moving their operations increasingly from offline to online, letters continue to play a big part in claims communication. This is partly due to their inherently formal nature and the added gravitas associated with receiving a letter as opposed to the less formal email.
But this doesn't mean correspondence by letter should be a drain on claims teams, which is why we've integrated letter generation directly into our platform! Our users can now generate custom letters right from within Claimable, making formal communications with customers a breeze!
Instant Letter Generation
Custom, branded letter templates can be linked to each claim type and instantly downloaded, with all the information from the claim automatically populated and addressed to any of the claim contacts.
Customers can create as many templates as they wish to support their operational workflow.
The app will automatically extract information from any given claim, providing an instant, on-demand PDF ready to send immediately to any of the parties involved in the claim. The generated letter will contain all the information customers have predefined in the template.
The feature gives Claimable customers another tool to further increase efficiency and fully take advantage of our customer-first claims platform.